Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Population Crisis

POPOULATION CRISIS SUBMITTED TO: MS. AMNA NAVEED SUBMITTED BY: USSAMA JAVED AFTAB IQBAL M. UMAIR SIDDIQUE RAZA AMJAD POPOULATION CRISIS SUBMITTED TO: MS. AMNA NAVEED LECTURER MANGMENT SCIENCES COMSATS LAHORE SUBMITTED BY: USSAMA JAVED ciit/fa09-bba-146/lhr AFTAB IQBAL ciit/fa09-bba-009/lhr M. UMAIR SIDDIQUE ciit/fa09-bba-053/lhr RAZA AMJAD ciit/fa09-bba-116/lhr Submission Date: May3,2010 COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology Lahore ACLNOLDGEMENT First of all, we would like to thank our friends for assisting and helping us in our research. We would like to thank our teacher for helping us how to do study. We would like to thank our librarian for letting us borrow some books, for the computer lab incharge for letting us use computers. We would like to thank our parents for their financial and never ending support, for the help in our study and for its success. And it would not be successful without God who guides us in our everyday life and activites, we thank Him for the good health He has given to us, and for the success of our study. For all the people who helped us a lot, thank you very much and may god bless you all†¦ Management Sciences COMSATS Institute Of Information Technology Defence Road Lahore April 3,2010 Falcons BBA- Batch: 12- Sec: C COMSATS Lahore Subject: letter of authorization Dear falcons We are glad to inform you that you have been selected to undergo a research and prepare a report regarding â€Å"POPOULATION CRISIS â€Å". In the report you should completely analyze the situation, state responsible factors and also suggest remedy for it. We will give you every assistance required for the research. In case of any difficulty feel free to let us know. We will appreciate if you submit your findings in a month. Sincerely Amna Naveed Falcons BBA-Batch:12-Sec:C COMSATS Lahore May 3, 2010 Ms. Amna Naveed Lecturer Management Sciences COMSATS Lahore Subject: Letter of transmittal Dear Ms. Naveed As you requested here is our report on â€Å"POPOULATION CRISIS â€Å" . This report is completely according to your instructions and requirements. This report is based on thorough study and includes the complete analysis of the problem and remedy for it. I am sure that the report will give you complete help to evaluate the situation. Finally and thoroghly to put an end to the problems of overpopulation, health crisis, food crisis, governence crisis. It was so nice of you to assign us this task. Please let me know if I can be of further assiastance. Sincerely Falcons TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents page Introduction 9 Overpopulation 10 History of population of world 11 Population of Pakistan 13 Major crisis due to overpopulation 16 Major causes of overpopulation 24 Summary 26 Conclusions 27 Recommendations 28 Appendix 29 Bibliography 32 Glossary 33 Index 34 INTRODUCTION This report is about the population crisis. It describes little about the population of world but its focus is on overpopulation in Pakistan. The purpose of report is to make awareness that the base all the crisis in the country is huge increase in population. The food crisis, health crisis, etc are all due to overpopoulation. On independence the population of Pakistan was just 3 crore but within last few decades there was huge increase in population. Overpopulation is a condition where an organism’s number exceeds the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance the term to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. A society is called overpopulated when the resources are less than the number of individuals there. OVERPOULATION Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. Overpopulation does not depend only on the size or density of the population, but on the ratio of population to available sustainable resources. It also depends on the way resources are used and distributed throughout the population If a given environment has a population of 10 individuals, but there is food or drinking water enough for only 9, then in closed system where no trade is possible, that environment is overpopulated; if the population is 100 but there is enough food, shelter, and water for 200 for the indefinite future, then it is not overpopulated. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates due to medical advances, from an increase in immigration, or from an unsustainable biome and depletion of re sources. It is possible for very sparsely-populated areas to be overpopulated, as the area in question may have a meager or non-existent capability to sustain human life (e. g. the middle of the Sahara Desert). The resources to be considered when evaluating whether an ecological niche is overpopulated include clean water, clean air, food, shelter, warmth, and other resources necessary to sustain life. If the quality of human life is addressed, there may be additional resources considered, such as medical care, education, proper sewage treatment and waste disposal. Overpopulation places competitive stress on the basic life sustaining resources, leading to a diminished quality of life. The rapid increase in human population over the course of the 20th century has raised concerns about the Earth's ability to sustain a large number of inhabitants. In 2009, the estimated annual growth rate was 1. 10%, and the world population stood at roughly 6. 7 billion. Current projections show a steady decline in the growth rate, and a population of around 9 billion by the year 2050. The scientific consensus is that the current population expansion and accompanying increase in usage of resources is linked to threats to the ecosystem. The InterAcademy Panel Statement on Population Growth, which was ratified by 58 member academies in 1994, called the expansion in human numbers â€Å"unprecedented†, and stated that many environmental problems were aggravated by the population expansion. At the time, the world population stood at 5. 5 billion, and optimistic scenarios predicted a peak of 7. 8 billion by 2050, a number that current estimates show will be reached around 2030. HISTORY OF POPULATION OF WORLD If you were to take a standard sheet of writing paper . 1mm thick and cut it into two sheets, placing one atop the other, it would then be . 2mm thick. Then, cutting the stack of two and making a stack of 4 sheets, it would then be . 4mm thick. Believe it or not, if you continued to do this just one hundred times, doubling the size of the stack each time, the thickness of he stack would be 1. 334 x 1012 light-years. This is an example of exponential or geometric growth, where the rate of growth is always proportional to it's present size. Exponential growth also applies to the the human population. It begins growing very slowly, but over generations the growth rate increases more and more rapidly, similar to a snowball affect. It took the human population thousands o f years to reach 1 billion in 1804. However, it took only 123 years for us to double to 2 billion by 1927. The population hit 4 billion in 1974 (only 47 years), and if we continue at our current rate, the human population will reach 8 billion in 2028. Doubling from our present count of 6. 8 billion to 13. 6 billion will have a much greater impact than our last couple doublings combined. Overpopulation isn't just population density (amount of people per landmass). Overpopulation applies even moreso to the number of people in an area exceeding the resources and the carrying capacity of the environment necessary to sustain human activities. draw:frame} So much focus is placed on the rapid population growth in third world countries. However, when we compare lifestyles of the rich countries vs. the poor countries, the rich countries are a much greater problem. For example, Americans constitute only five percent of the world’s total population, but consume 26% of the world’s energy. Just as much as the population size, we need to consider the resources consumed by each person, and the damage done by technologies used to supply them. Overpopulation is when the number of people can not be permanently maintained without depleting resources and without degrading the environment and the people's standard of living. Because we are rapidly using up resources around the world, virtually all nations are overpopulated. This applies even more so to the rich nations. As we use up the resources, the earth's carrying capacity continues to decrease. POPULATION OF PAKISTAN The first Pakistan Census after the proclamation of independence of Pakistan was conducted in 1951. It was decreed that censuses have to be carried out once in 10 years. The second census was conducted in 1961. However the third one was conducted in 1972 because of war with India. The fourth census was held in 1981. The fifth census was conducted delayed in March 1998. The sixth census of Pakistan is planned in October 2008. POPULATION BY PROVINCE/REGION SINCE 1951 Today’s Snerue The above tables sumrazies the figures of population from first day till now. It is clear from above that in 1951 population of pakistan was not very large drastic change in population occurred after 1971. Now the growth rate of population is 1. percent which is worst growth rate of the world. Now Pakistan is on no:3 in terms of population in all the world. MAJOR CRISIS DUE TO OVERPOPULATION Following are some major crisis and problems which we facing due to overpopulation: Food Crisis Health Crisis Pollution Diseases Terrorism Governance Crisis Poverty Unemployment Now we will discuss all of them one by one: FOOD CRISIS The world financial experts have placed Pakista n on a list of 36 countries that face a serious food crisis, warning that if the situation worsens people may raid storage facilities for food. Like rest of the world Pakistan is also facing food crisis, and it has two sides; one is unavailability of edibles and second is soaring prices due to gap in demand and supply of edibles. According to the website of UN International task force on global food crisis the price of food commodities has risen by 83 per cent over the last 36 months on international markets, and it is estimated that 854 million people are in a state of food insecurity around the world. World prices of food grains have risen manifold in the last several months due to varied reasons including increased demand in emerging economies, to poor harvests and farming methods, oil prices, massive diversion of food grains for making bio-fuels, provision of land for bio-fuels, global warming, high population growth, changed eating habits, manipulative role of international financial markets with reduced role of national government. United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon lead a concerted effort by 27 key UN agencies to tackle the growing crisis caused by a worldwide sharp rise in basic foodstuff prices at a conference in the Swiss capital Bern. In case of Pakistan, the food crisis comes hand in hand with an energy crisis and in uncertain political environment along with the extremist threats. It is expected that food and energy shortages could become worse this summer. Food shortages do not make a companion to long periods of energy outages (load-shedding). This dangerous mix can bring the political plans of political shenanigans to dogs if these basic needs remain unmet. More problem appears to those economies that are not agriculture based and Pakistan is a wheat and rice producing country and should not have had to face an acute shortage. a very important question arises here how did it get to this stage? It is believed that Agriculture scientists will have to introduce modern technologies for high yield at low price to enable the government to cope with the persistent crisis of food shortage. Even the UN Secretary general has said that agriculture is need to be improved for coup up current food crisis all over the world. After a quarter century of relative neglect, agriculture is back on the international agenda, sadly with a vengeance, Mr. Ban said in an address at the start of the three-day high-level segment of the annual meeting of the Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD). The onset of the current food crisis has highlighted the fragility of our success in feeding the world’s growing population with the technologies of the first green revolution and subsequent agricultural improvements, he added. According to Daily Times an Economic analyst, Khalid Mahmood underlined the need for increasing agricultural yields though usage of hybrid seeds, better water management, increased role of government for ensuring effective safety and support mechanisms such as making a reservoir of food grain, and also public-private partnerships to overcome the crisis. The skyrocketing prices are jeopardizing the purchasing power of financially crumbling consumers. The price of food items such as vegetables, chicken and meat has increased by more than 20 percent just in one month, which has further made the half of the population of country food insecure. It is stated that 50 percent of the population is talking less calories recognized for average human need, 20 percent out of those 50 percent population, bottom line people were the greater suffers and were miserably struggling to meet their basic food needs even by compromising on their non-food expenses. The current crisis would further worsen if the government is failed to come up with an informed policy and decisions, the majority of the people particularly the poor would be the greater sufferer, however their attention is more towards the political issues and people are suffering due to energy and food shortage. There are several lacunae in domestic policy recognized and role of the previous government primarily for not realizing the strength of the crisis that was coupled with poor decisions making including the management failure in the worse crisis of 2007 when even international oil prices were not so high, unavailability of fresh seeds and finally the export of rice which directly increased the need of wheat. The previous government paid less attention to demand and supply management, rather tried to address the issue properly and developing long term measures; it waged ineffective ad-hoc measures such as subsidies while oil-driven economy of Pakistan is facing serious shortage of energy resulting in increased cost of production and transportation. The situation of food shortage in Pakistan calls for a multi-sectoral strategy to address this serious issue. it is also important to note that Ministry of Finance alone cannot provide a solution to the worsening problem. Pakistan needs cohesive strategy including the focus on revising the import parity; pricing formula and revised structure of taxes levied on petroleum products, further demand and supply management in energy sector, agriculture, and communication. it is also suggested that the Planning Commission of Pakistan should take lead in formulating proposals in this regard. The culture of accountability of the political leadership which was responsible for current energy deficit and the resultant price hikes; is also needed. Another important point in this regard is atta smuggling to Afghanistan though NWFP atta dealers saythat the atta was exported to Afghanistan under the trade policy and a regulatory tax of Rs500 is charged on every bag of 100-kg exported to Afghanistan. It is also said that Currently, there is no smuggling on Afghanistan level and whatever is transported to Afghanistan is legal, and is on accordance with an agreement signed between Pakistan and Afghanistan, that is an open lie. Interestingly President George W. Bush has urged Afghan Govt. o gain self food sufficiency to reduce food pressure on Pakistan in SHARM El-SHEIKH Egypt. Government is taking steps to curb this situation; Minster for Privatization and Investment Syed Naveed Qamar has directed Utility Stores Corporation (USC) to ensure sufficient supply of aâ‚ ¬? attaaâ‚ ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ and other necessities on its outlets across the country. Syed Naveed Qamar, The minister said that the government was making all-out efforts to p rovide essential items like atta, ghee and sugar to the people in sufficient quantity. Furthermore the government has warned the wheat hoarders to offer their wheat by Monday (May 19) to the public sector procurement agencies; otherwise their stocks will be confiscated. A detailed briefing on current wheat situation was given to the Minister for Food, Agriculture and Livestock(MINFAL) Mr. Nazar Muhammad Gondal by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock. HEALTH CRISIS According to a report approximately there are 15000 births per day in Pakistan. For these children at least 15 hospitals each with 400-500 beds are required which is not possible. No rich state can provide such huge facility on daily basis then how can Pakistan? After all it is develop country. We are facing health crisis now a days just due such large birth rate. In 1970s health facilities were available to everyone because at that time our population was just 1. 5 crore which is nothing as compared to today’s population. POLLUTION For the first time ever human enterprise may be impacting planet earth in a permanent way. How is this possible? What are we doing now that humans have not been doing for millennia? Several obvious things come to mind. We are creating some very long-lasting waste material as a by-product of generating energy. This includes radioactive waste, and it also includes carbon dioxide, the major contributor to the planetary greenhouse. We are putting gases into the atmosphere and substances into the ground that take a very long time to be absorbed into the general biosphere. We are removing old growth timber faster than it can replace itself. We are flushing substances into the world ocean that can affect the entire oceanic food chain. Only three of these items are â€Å"new,† radioactive waste and manmade long-lasting gases and waste materials. Humans have been doing the remainder for as long as humans have existed. Why, then, are we only now experiencing a global impact? The simple answer is—too many people. Planet earth has an amazing ability to absorb and take into stride incredible amounts of â€Å"stuff. † Our biosphere has evolved an entire range of mechanisms for cleaning itself up after both non-human and human input. Overload the system, however, and it grinds to a halt. A stream continuously surrounded by a herd of bison will become as contaminated and unfit for further use as one overloaded with human sewage. Yet each can handle reasonable levels of contamination. The problem usually is not what, but how much. The remaining problems are not really problems—they all are just symptoms of an underlying problem: too many people. So long as we address only the symptoms, the problem will remain unsolved, and—because of its nature—will continue to grow. World-wide we are extending the average human life-span; world-wide we are reducing infant mortality; world-wide, across the human spectrum, we are reducing disease and death. With the exception of some industrialized nations, however, the world-wide birth-rate is going up. It doesn’t take an advanced degree to see where all this leads. An overflowing world population will ultimately overload our planet’s short-term ability to handle everything we throw at it. Increasing greenhouse temperatures, polluted groundwater, single species forests, dying abyssal food chains—these may just be the beginning. In the final analysis, fortunately, planet earth is self-regulating. Unfortunately, this self-regulation is on a time scale that dwarfs human experience. DISEASES Disease is not a severe problem when it is on a small scale. We can handle them easily when few people are affected. Now as our population is very huge diseases spread very rapidly because everyone has a social life also. When diseases become common in a large number of masses then it is very difficult to provide sufficient treatment to all of them. Attack of â€Å" Dangi† last year is the obvious example. TERRORISM Terrorism is simply a state of insecurity. There are a number of causes of terrorism one of them is poverty which is due to overpopulation. Thus, we can say that overpopulation is one of the causes of â€Å" Terrorism â€Å". In our country the basic biological needs ( food, shelter and cloth ) are not being satisfied. Some extremists and Mullahs ensure people that they will satisfy there basic needs if you come with us. The poor people have no other choice thus they shake hand with Mullahs. When state is not providing basic needs to masses and these extremists are providing then people will go with them. Thus people feel no hesitation in destroying their country on the command of these people. Terrorism started majorly during and after General Zia’s Era and there was huge increase in population during the period of Zia. There were only 500 â€Å" Madrasas† in 1977 but in 1987 their number reached 2000. GOVERNANCE CRISIS When people are not getting proper food, health facilities etc and other basic facilities then it means that government is doing nothing or in other words we can say that government is unable to govern the state. Now a days this all is happening in Pakistan. Most of the people blames government for this but government is not solely responsible for it. Its major reason overpopulation. Government can run a state with small population very smoothly but it is very tough to handle millions of people. POVERTY Poverty is majorly due to overpopulation. When there are scarce resources and a population of billions then how people can live a life of boom. Pakistan has a population of approximately 17 crore and resources for only 12. 5 crore then the remaining people have to lead a life full of poverty. In 1970s the the resources were more than the number of individuals but afterwards we just increased our population not resources. Therefore, we are facing such a worst situation. UNEMPLOYMENT Employment is very important for any individual to live a happy life. But unfortunately it is not available to everyone in Pakistan, its major reason is overpopulation. The 60% of our population is less in 25 years in age. The population of Pakistan is considered as most young population of the world. It is impossible for any government to provide jobs to such a huge number of people. When a large number of people have no jobs then economic growth would be nothing. MAJOR CAUSES OF OVERPOPULATION Decline in the Death Rate: The fall in death rates that is decline in mortality rate is one fundamental causes of overpopulation. Owing to the dvancements in medicine, man has found cures to the previously fatal diseases. The new inventions in medicine have brought in treatments for most of the dreadful diseases. This has resulted in an increase in the life expectancy of individuals. Mortality rate has declined leading to an increase in population. Owing to modern medications and improved treatments to various illnesses, the overall death rate has gone down. Th e brighter side of it is that we have been able to fight many diseases and prevent deaths. On the other hand, the medical boon has brought with it, the curse of overpopulation. Rise in the Birth Rate: Thanks to the new discoveries in nutritional science, we have been able to bring in increase in the fertility rates of human beings. Medicines of today can boost the reproductive rate in human beings. There are medicines and treatments, which can help in conception. Thus, science has led to an increase in birth rate. This is certainly a reason to be proud and happy but advances in medicine have also become a cause of overpopulation. Migration: Immigration is a problem in some parts of the world. If the inhabitants of various countries migrate to a particular part of the world and settle over there, the area is bound to suffer from the ill effects of overpopulation. If the rates of emigration from a certain nation do not match the rates of immigration to that country, overpopulation makes its way. The country becomes overly populated. Crowding of immigrants in certain parts of the world, results in an imbalance in the density of population. Lack of Education: Illiteracy is another important cause of overpopulation. Those lacking education fail to understand the need to prevent excessive growth of population. They are unable to understand the harmful effects that overpopulation has. They are unaware of the ways to control population. Lack of family planning is commonly seen in the illiterate lot of the world. This is one of the major factors leading to overpopulation. Due to ignorance, they do not take to family planning measures, thus contributing to a rise in population. Viewing the issue of increasing population optimistically, one may say that overpopulation means the increase in human resources. The increase in the number of people is the increase in the number of productive hands and creative minds. But we cannot ignore the fact that the increase in the number producers implies an increase in the number of consumers. Greater number of people requires a greater number of resources. Not every nation is capable of providing its people with the adequate amount of resources. The ever-increasing population will eventually leave no nation capable of providing its people with the resources they need to thrive. When the environment fails to accommodate the living beings that inhabit it, overpopulation becomes a disaster. SUMMARY This report is about population crisis which is the most severe problem of present world. Pakistan is one of those countries whose population has increased dramatically and now the population of Pakistan is approximetly 20 crore. All major crisis and problems which Pakistan is facing are majorly due to overpopulation. The big reasons of overpopulation are decline in death rate, increase in birth rate and lack of education. If population growth would not be controlled then Pakistan will have a population of 40 crore in 2030. CONCLUTIONS From all above discussion it is concluded that overpopulation is the most important problem that we are facing now a days. If it is not controlled now then we have to face some severe crisis in near future. Our population is increaing rapidly and if it keep on growing at the same rate then in 2030 the population of pakistan will become largest population fo the world. It is obvious that that with all our efforts we can not manage such a huge population. Thus, we have to take some steps to control population. Our resources are not as much to feed such a large population due to which we are facing food crisis, health crisis, etc. Pakistan is a developing country and it can not increase its resources to such a graet extent. Due to overpopulation in the near future Pakistan will have to face civil war. RECOMMENDATIONS Following are some recommendations to control overpopulation: Educate people regarding population crisis Encourage Immigrations Career Opportunities For The Women Develop policies like one or two children each {text:list-item} Do not allow refugees to enter in Pakistan APPENDIX Demographics of *Islamic Republic of Pakistan* Population of Pakistan, 1961-2003 POPULATION BY PROVINCE/REGION SINCE 1951 POPOULATION OF WORLD {draw:frame} TODAY’S PAKISTAN {draw:frame} BIBLOGRAPHY www. google. com www. wikipedia. com www. ask. com www. census. gov. pk www. times. com www. answers. com GLOSSARY *Overpopulation: *Overpopulation is a condition where an organism's numbers exceed the carrying capacity of its habitat. In common parlance, the term often refers to the relationship between the human population and its environment, the Earth. INDEX Population crisis, 9 * Food Crisis, 16 * Pakistan, 9 Domestic Policy*, 18* Overpopulation, 9 Multy-Sectoral Stratgy, *18* *Individual, 9 * * Ministry Of Finance*, 18 Organism, 10 Health Crisis, 20 Carrying Capacity, 10 Hospitals, 20 Habitat, 10 Pollution, 20 Environment, 10 Radioactive Waste, 20 *Resources, 10* * *Ground Water, 20 Interacting, 11 * *Diseases, 21 *Exponential Growth, 11* * *Social Life 21 *Human population, 11* * Terrorism*, 22 *Rich Countries, 12* * I*nsecurity, 22 *Americans, 12* * *Biological Needs, 22 *Census, 13* * *General Zia, 22 *Birth Rate, 14* * Governance Crisis, 2* Death Rate, 14 Poverty, 23 *Age Structure, 14* * *Scarce Resources, 23 Unemployment, 23 Decline In Death Rate, 24 Rise In Birth Rate, 24 Migration, 25 Lack Of education, 24 Conclusion, 27

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Children’s literature Essay

Reading is one of the most important lifelong activities. Young children are connected with reading and books long before they actually know how to read. It starts when a child has the first book in his hand or when parents read to him from a book. It is a wonderful way for young children to spend time together with their parents. The interaction that is going on between a child and parent when they are reading together has some important components. One of them is predictability—as these activities usually occur on a regular schedule and follow a regular pattern of steps. Playfulness is evident as these activities are done for fun. Language is used to construct meaning and share ideas. The child gets opportunities to lead the activity, the parent is modeling language and reading behavior and together they develop their own jargon for many ideas. In this way parents intuitively use the â€Å"lab method† to teach their children about language, print, and books (Daniels, 1994, p. 37). A child understands that a book is connected with something pleasant for him and his important adults, something that makes them feel good. He understands the meaning of the word for an object long before he can say this word. Later he starts to understand that there are pictures and words in books and that they have some meaning. This is first step in developing reading abilities and love towards books. The joy of reading and love of books is crucial for each child’s development it is measured not only in school success but also in meaningful social interactions. This has been a decade of technological advances. From iPods to electronic readers children are bombarded with electrical images and stimulations. But the surprising truth is that even with all the advances in electronics and gadgetry, reading to children and having them read is still one of the most important skills to give a child. Reading to a child can promote a child’s cerebral and emotional development. While any positive interaction between parent and child is helpful, reading is always a sure fire way to gain a positive foothold into a child’s life. Books open doors to new ideas, cultures and concepts. By reading to young children a parent helps instill a love of books in children and helps them want to read more. The internet is a great learning resource for children as well as adults but a good reading ability should come first and foremost. Without a strong reading capability a child is unable to use the internet to its full potential. The Parent’s Role in Fostering a Love of Reading A parent is a partner in the life of his or her child. Parents can instill a love of books and delight in wordplay, develop pre-reading skills and help children become accomplished independent readers. Listed below are several ways to incorporate a joy of reading in a child. †¢ Read to the child every day. Start as early as possible. Books on tape can also be utilized. †¢ Sing nursery rhymes and children’s songs. †¢ As early as possible help the children obtain a library card. †¢ Treat books as though they are special. †¢ Give books at Christmas, birthdays and as rewards. †¢ Let the child make picture books by cutting out pictures from magazines or pictures they colored and glue them into homemade books. †¢ Make sure the child sees the parent reading. It doesn’t have to be a book; reading newspapers, magazines, or even the back of a cereal box can provide an example. When reading aloud, read with expression and excitement. †¢ Give the child opportunities to write even if it is unreadable. †¢ Let the child tell a story that the parent writes down. When it is completed let the child illustrate the story. †¢ Let the child pick the story for story time. †¢ Let the child help parents cook following a recipe card or cookbook. Books Help Children Develop Vital Language Skills Reading is an important skill that needs to be developed in children. Not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and (later on) universities, but in adult life as well. The ability to learn about new subjects and find helpful information on anything from health problems and consumer protection to more academic research into science or the arts depends on the ability to read. The more children read, the better they become at reading. It’s as simple as that. The more enjoyable the things they read are, the more they’ll stick with them and develop the reading skills that they’ll need for full access to information in their adult lives. Reading should be viewed as a pleasurable activity – as a source of entertaining tales and useful and interesting factual information. The more young children are read to, the greater their interest in mastering reading. Reading out loud exposes children to proper grammar and phrasing. It enhances the development of their spoken language skills, their ability to express themselves verbally. Reading, by way of books, magazines or websites, exposes kids to new vocabulary. Even when they don’t understand every new word, they absorb something from the context that may deepen their understanding of it the next time the word is encountered. When parents read aloud to children, the children also hear correct pronunciation as they see the words on the page, even if they can’t yet read the words on their own. Reading Can Open Up New Worlds and Enrich Children’s Lives As mentioned above, reading opens doors – doors to factual information about any subject on earth, practical or theoretical. Given the wealth of available resources such as Internet, libraries, schools and bookstores, if children can read well and if they see reading as a source of information, then for the rest of their lives they will have access to all of the accumulated knowledge of mankind, access to all of the great minds and ideas of the past and present. It truly is magic ! Through books, children can also learn about people and places from other parts of the world, improving their understanding of and concern for all of humanity. This, in turn, contributes towards our sense that we truly live in a â€Å"global village† and may help us bring about a more peaceful future for everyone. This can happen through nonfiction but, perhaps even more importantly, reading novels that are set in other places and time periods can give children a deeper understanding of others through identification with individual characters and their plights. Through stories and novels children can vicariously try out new experiences and test new ideas, with no negative consequences in their real lives. They can meet characters who they’ll enjoy returning to for comforting and satisfying visits when they reread a cherished book or discover a sequel. Books also give kids the opportunity to flex their critical thinking skills in such areas as problem solving, the concepts of cause and effect, conflict resolution, and acceptance of responsibility for one’s actions. Mysteries allow children to follow clues to their logical conclusions and to try to outguess the author. Even for very young children, a simple story with a repetitive refrain or a simple mystery to solve gives a confidence boost. Children can predict the patterns and successfully solve the riddles. Children are influenced by and imitate the world around them. While a steady diet of violent cartoons may have a detrimental effect on children’s development, carefully chosen stories and books can have a positive influence on children, sensitizing them to the needs of others. For example, books can encourage children to be more cooperative, to share with others, to be kind to animals, or to respect the natural environment. Reading Can Enhance Children’s Social Skills  Although reading is thought of as the quintessential solitary activity, in certain circumstances reading can be a socializing activity. For example, a parent or grandparent reading a story aloud, whether from a traditional printed book or from an ebook, can be a great opportunity for adult and child to share some quiet, relaxed quality time together away from the rush and stresses of the business of daily living. They share a few minutes of precious time, plus they share the ideas that are contained in the story. In addition, older children can be encouraged to read aloud to younger ones as a means of enhancing their relationship. At school or at a library story hour, books can bring children together and can be part of a positive shared experience. For some preschoolers this may be their primary opportunity to socialize and to learn how to behave around other children or how to sit quietly for a group activity. Make the most of this experience by encouraging children to talk about what they’ve read or heard. Reading Can Improve Hand-Eye Coordination  It may sound funny, but ebooks can be a way for children to improve their fine motor skills and their hand-eye coordination, as they click around a childfriendly website or click the backward and forward buttons of online story pages. They may also be picking up valuable computer skills that they’ll need in school and later in life. Reading Can Provide Children with Plenty of Good, Clean Fun I’ve saved the most important point for last. Reading can provide children with endless hours of fun and entertainment. All of the pragmatic reasons above aren’t at all necessary to justify reading’s place in children’s lives. Stories can free up imaginations and open up exciting new worlds of fantasy or reality. They allow children to dream and may give them a good start on the road to viewing reading as a lifelong source of pleasure; so read to your young children every day. Inspire your older children to read. Give them access to plenty of reading material that they’ll enjoy and discuss it with them. Sample everything – traditional printed books and ebooks on Internet, classic children’s novels and fairy tales, as well as more modern stories. If a child wants to hear the same story over and over again, don’t worry about it. Children take comfort from the familiarity and predictability of a beloved story that they know by heart. There’s no harm in that. Reread old favorites and, at the same time, introduce your children to new stories. Your child’s mind and heart have room for both. So Reading Really Does Matter After All There are so many ways in which reading continues to be both a vital skill for children to master, and an important source of knowledge and pleasure that can last a lifetime. Nurture it in your children. Make the most of all the resources that are available and waiting for you: printed books, online books, magazines and so forth. Encourage follow-up activities involving creative writing skills and the arts, as well, so that your children can reflect upon or expand on what they’ve absorbed and, at the same time, develop their own creativity. As you help your kids appreciate the magic of reading, you’ll find that there’s a whole wonderful world full of children’s literature out there that you  can enjoy too.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Affairs through the Ages

An analysis of the relationship between St. John and Rosamond in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre. A paper which provides a look at the doomed relationship between the characters Rosamond and St. John in Charlotte Brontes novel, Jane Eyre. The paper presents the idea that disgust motivated St. Johns obsession with Rosamond instead of love. Love today is depicted in the media in many different ways, from blissful unions at the ends of movies to tawdry and scandalous affairs in daytime soap operas. Is this type of entertainment just sensationalism by the media, or have there been relationships throughout history that have experienced passion and pain? Charlotte Bronte proves untrue love has been evident for years in her portrayal of Rosamond Oliver and St. John Rivers in her novel Jane Eyre. Plainly, the ethereal Rosamond Oliver stirs deep emotions within St. John; however, below the surface, not love but rather a deep-seated disgust flushes the missionarys cheek and sends his blood stirring.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How essential is the measurement of personality for organisations Essay

How essential is the measurement of personality for organisations - Essay Example Development is the growth of the body and the mind; it is the enhancement of the personality in its most fine sense, to its highest degree. Dedication is the blessing of the well disciplined and properly developed personality traits, for a dignified and noble cause. (Aiken, L. R. (2006) Discipline on the other hand, is a negative aspect of the ethics trait, and it sought to control desires, fervor and craving. Sometimes, when describing a famous person or a well-known person, we hear the words â€Å"he has a ‘beautiful personality† When a person is a possessor of such great virtues such as will power, good self confidence, earnestness, integrity, power of discrimination and pleasing manners, he is known to have a good personality. And when that is the case, then no doubt a good personality is attractive to others and that in itself, leads to external beauty. Following the famous saying â€Å"do not judge a book by its cover† we must not take good looks as a sign of a good personality. A good looking face is always deceiving. If we go by the dictionary meaning of personality, it is the incorporated compilation of a person’s psychological, emotional, intellectual, and physical characteristic, as they are shown to other people.(Neukrug, E. S., & Fawcett, R. C. (2010) Large organizations, before hiring employees, put them through tests which are specially designed to measure the different dimensions of a personality and its related characteristics.( Grout, J., & Perrin, S. (2002).   These tests are not conducted to predict the behavior of the employees but to single out individuals, who may have a tendency for troublemaking, or may be frauds or engage in theft. Employers use personality tests to understand the traits of their employee and whether the employee is the best fit for the organizational setting. Unlike normal tests, a personality test require the applicant to answer questions which are both pleasant and unpleasant, and in turn reveal

Fantasy Elements in The Rocking Horse Winner Essay

Fantasy Elements in The Rocking Horse Winner - Essay Example Her entire focus is on money and, as a result, her kids are being neglected. Through the house taking on the personality of the mother, Lawrence is able to show the effect it has on the children and how the mother’s mentality influences them. A few sentences later the reader learns that the toys as well as the puppy can hear the voice too. Lawrence writes that â€Å"even the [rocking] horse heard it† and â€Å"the big doll, sitting so pink and smirking in her new pram, could hear it quite plainly† (2). Lawrence likely puts this fantasy element in the story to show how much the mother’s attitude permeates the house and eventually leads to seemingly unnatural occurrences. After his mother tells him that the way to get money is by being lucky, Paul takes her philosophy to heart. He begins to think if he can have luck he can get money and give it to his mother so she can pay off her debts. He desires this because he thinks that once his mother has money, she w ill stop neglecting him and give him more attention. Later we learn that the catalyst for Paul’s luck is his rocking horse, hence the title, â€Å"The Rocking Horse Winner.† The house and the rocking horse seem to be magically possessed: The house is obsessed with getting more money while the rocking horse is obsessed with choosing a winner. Both have the same goal in mind -- making more money. As the house gets more demanding with getting money, Paul becomes obsessed and thinks that if he can just make more money the voices will stop.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Letters about Wars and Trade (1760) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letters about Wars and Trade (1760) - Essay Example The team comprised of skilled men from all lifestyles. They included soldiers, farmers, and artisans with one mind to find readily exploitable land and use its inhabitants as slaves. John Smith was admitted to the colony in 1608 with the main purpose to consolidate the colony, subordinate the natives, and make the colony profitable. This was a hard task for Smith who quite the operation after he suffered a wound. Additionally, his harsh leadership did not work well to consolidate the natives but alienated even his own subordinates (Lankford 18). The task of consolidating colonies did not end after Smith quit in 1609 but continued under Captain Christopher Newport. The team managed to meet some of their targets including getting slaves for cheap labour. However, the team with slaves acted defiantly and its work productivity was much lesser compared to the settlers. The natives worked unwillingly producing very low results in the tasks delegated to them. In addition, not all settlers e ngaged in real work because others proved superior. One major hindrance to consolidation of colonies the threat other colonies posed to it. For instance, a colony could abduct a ship from a rival colony after a trade harvesting and steal form them all they had gathered. This resulted to weak colonies without the necessary material support. Ancient Trade Trade started under the leadership of Newport who took some men on an expedition in Peninsula. Newport had one goal in mind to find mineral resources and to open up trade with the natives in the land. Normally, the trade involved was barter trade that included exchange of goods for other goods. At first, it was neither possible to convince the natives to trade with them, nor find the goods that the team had targeted to collect from the inhabitants. The natives had prior knowledge of attacks from previous colonies, which made them hide their corn. Trust between traders did not exist those days that would enable flow of goods form one colony to another or form one place to another. Previous colonies that visited the inhabitants had done more harm than good, which made the inhabitants targeted to trade with withdraw and refuse to trade (Lankford 18). Poor means of transport hindered trade in this era. When Newport and his men arrived Jamestown, they were half-sick, complaining, tired with toil, and hungry. This describes the poor means of transport that made them spend thousand of hours travelling to their destinations. Additionally, the types of goods described for barter exchange include logs, corn, tar, pitch, soap ashes, cheese, far, and animals. Poor transport hindered progress in trade and encouraged colonies to war. In addition, ancient trade lacked professionalism. Nations who refused to trade with another had to be threatened or made pay in another manner to comply. For instance, after president returned from amongst the woods and discovered that the ship laid idle with no goods for trade, he opted to thr eaten the community to a revenge mission of his imprisonment. The nation complied by making peace through giving of their corn, fish, and fowl. The leaders of trade crews seemed knowledgeable and were willing to go an extra mile to ensure that their ships were loaded on their way back. However, this type of trade in these ancient times was not sustainable because it included trading of animals,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Operational skills Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operational skills - Case Study Example Compliance with patient management protocols is incorrect when it compromises patient safety. To enhance the operating room effectiveness, the caregivers compliance to patient management protocols must not compromise patient safety. Instrumentation sterilization in Stanfords Hospital may compromise patient safety, and, therefore, any compliance to such a patient management protocol would be incorrect. Protocols provide clinical guide towards clinical care and encourages professional guidance to patients hence leading to improved compliance (Ray and Griffith, 2010). The guidelines and regulations provided in the protocols ensure that the caregivers are consistent in the management of clinic patients, a clear sign of compliance with the protocols. Functional protocols are different to the extent that they are aimed at ensuring quality ans safety through standardizing care process. Through the standardized care process, functional protocols are aimed at ensuring the use of safe, reliable as well as patient-centered care instruments and elements (Ray and Griffith, 2010). The application of functional protocols in Stanfords Hospital would see the implementation of a standardized care process that would prevent instrument

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Literary analysis focusing one of the schools of criticism discussed Essay

Literary analysis focusing one of the schools of criticism discussed in class in relation to a selected film or television production - Essay Example However, the personal fight of Wallace, to be expounded later on, is intertwined with the social conditions presented. At the start of the film, King Edward I, a.k.a. Longshanks, of England has invaded the Scotland (Braveheart). Alongside this condition is the commission of treachery on the part of Longshanks who persecuted several people, including the parents of Wallace (Braveheart). However, Wallace survives and is taken to foreign land where he is educated through the aid of his uncle. However, Wallace will have a love affair with his childhood, who will be the cause of the strife in Scotland that will eventually led to a revolution. This will then divide the land into factions, which will engage in a fight to free Scotland from the grasps of the English conquerors. However, Wallace will die later on and someone will follow his footsteps, rebelling again to gain freedom from the rule of Englishmen. Robert, the Bruce, shall carry this on as the Scottish King. This is then a continuation of legacy. Aside from such continuation, there is a certain pedigree of dissent present from the instigators of the rebellion. It is unavoidable that bloodshed will happen but with a purpose. In this case, the most common thing that can be seen is opposing forces: binaries of some sort. The Englishmen are the ones considered as oppressors since they are the ones who have the power to conquer lands and dominate people. On the other hand, the Scottish people are the ones who appear as the oppressed in the film due to the subjugation made by the Englishmen. The abuses and killings made signify the injustice and abuses perpetuated as it appeared on the film. However, it can be considered that the representations of the film are not accurate and purely referential to history, which is not totally clear about the message it wants (De Man 184). Thus, the film

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

WEEK 1 APPLICATION 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

WEEK 1 APPLICATION 1 - Essay Example they have put in place necessary tools to enable distribution of knowledge, For instance, by putting various incentives and performance management programs, human resource department believe that workers are motivated enough to share knowledge. Other department follow suit by putting measures to either collect data or encourage workers to form occupational communities to distribute knowledge. The assumption that workers can willingly share their hard-won knowledge because of the above motivators is not true. An interview with 43 knowledge workers revealed that intrinsic motivators like job insecurity, altruistic sharing, social ties, and professionalism make workers share their knowledge. In addition, enlightened self-interest and performance reviews are extrinsic motivators to sharing of knowledge. At times, workers fail to share genuine knowledge with their colleagues because of job insecurity, to protect one’s competitive edge, personal traits, confidentiality, and lack of sharing culture. Additionally, acceptance of knowledge motivates workers to share it. The age of the persons sharing knowledge is an important motivator

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Facility Design) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (Facility Design) - Essay Example Another consideration to keep in mind in facility design is the management of equipment replacement or its maintenance to comply with business continuity plans (Meyers & Stephens, 2004). There are instances where facility design also includes working with the landscape of the infrastructure to maximize the space. This is mostly true in facilities where the cost of real estate or usable space is expensive however, business operations and logistics consideration mandate that they work within the infrastructure. From a management perspective facility designs should provide operational efficiencies that would assure more production output. The facility design of a printing and enveloping facility of a billing service company will be examined. The primary focus of the analysis is to ensure that wastage in terms of time and product routing are not only exposed but quantified. However, health and safety factors including business continuity considerations will also be taken into considerati ons to ensure that the optimum design is being followed or not. The flexibility of the components of the facility will also be examined to determine their efficacy when it comes to their function. Attached is the rough drawing of the facility design using blocks to represent the major equipment in the facility. Given the nature of their business, the company name and location will be kept confidential for security reasons. Printing and Enveloping Facility loading area for bills for delivery and loading area for raw materials Postal Area Segregation Section Paper Cooling and Staging area for enveloping Print Paper and Envelop storage area. Evaluation and Analysis After the processing of the image of the bill in the computer, the generated file will be printed using the high speed laser printers. After the bill has been printed the bill forms will be staged and cooled at room temperature to prevent warping at the inserting machine. Once cooled the inserting machines will cut and fold the bills and put them into envelops together with promotional inserts if there are any. The inserted bill will then be segregated by their area to determine the amount of their postage. The posting machines will then mark each bill for postage. The segregation process will also segregate the bills that are faster and cheaper to deliver through a delivery service. The rest of the bills will be sent through regular postal mail service. The bills generated through this process are the customers of the clients of the mailing service that opted for printed bills instead of email or electronic bills. The areas to consider in the analysis of the facility design are the materials used and how they are affected by each of the process. An example of this is how the papers are heated by the printing process which makes it very pliant. This makes it difficult to cut and fold the bills for it to be properly inserted in envelops. Since this is a real concern it makes sense for air conditioners t o cool the staging area after printing before they are inserted into the enveloping machines as indicated in the facility design. There are only two printers as against three inserting machines since the printer is much faster than the enveloping machines. The printers also generate a lot of heat that it makes sense to have more air coolers in

Imperialism Essay Example for Free

Imperialism Essay One negative effect imperialism had been that the Africans were being stripped of their land. In document 4 an African proverb states that â€Å"the whites† had taken their land and changed their faith, displaying the amount of power â€Å"the whites† have. Europeans first sent out missionaries to spread their religion to these non-industrialized countries. After the Europeans have set their religion in they would bring in the big guns and take their land. A West African nationalist, Sekou Toure, describes how imperialists look down upon Africans as savages who couldn’t rule and absorbed colonies into their empire, his purpose for the document was possibly to unite people against the whites. The imperialists would basically bully weaker countries until they lacked self-confidence and just eventually give up their land. Once the imperialists absorbed these colonies they would use their raw materials to support their industrialization back at their homeland. Although it appears that Africans being stripped of their land is a negative effect, a journal containing entries about country invasion by a military officer would help to clarify whether this is true. Another negative impact imperialism had been the exploitation of Africans for work. An unknown artist drew a picture of an Asian man and an African man pulling a military officer in a wagon to show the power that European nations have above others. Bigger/more powerful nations are taking advantage of the people settled in lands that aren’t industrialized or as rich. David Diop displayed how â€Å"The White Man† takes advantage of in Africans in An Anthology of West African Verse that describes the death of his father and brother and his mother being raped. In the second to last line Diop called â€Å"The White Man† the â€Å"Conqueror† because he truly did conquer Diop’s family and freedom. The â€Å"Conqueror† left Diop with nothing except forcing him into slavery. A German cartoon titled â€Å"Thus colonize the English† shows a man in uniform squeezing coins out of an African while another man is feeding the African water and a priest preaching in the background. The purpose of this illustration is to show the only value/importance an African American has is for its use of labor. Europeans see indigenous people as a way for them to make money. Mistreatment and forcing religion onto these people was common in order for them to have â€Å"power† of them. Although it appears that Africans were exploited by imperialist Europeans for work, a survey of the amount of pay African workers receive and their type of labor would help to clarify whether this is true. Imperialism did bring out a positive effect that was that the industrialized European nations and non-industrialized, agricultural societies both benefited from each other. O. P. Austin, the author of â€Å"Does Colonization Pay†, described how imperialism benefits progressive nations and the tropic colonies. This was written to persuade/inform the skeptics or people against imperialism. The positive effects would be that if the tropic colonies allowed the progressive nations to control garden spots then in return they would build schools and roads. These progressive nations claimed that they gave â€Å"these people the benefit of other blessings of civilization which they have not the means of creating themselves. † The document Imperialism and World Politics by Parker T.  Moore explains the different groups of people involved in imperialism to show the chain of command/importance. Imperialism involves more than just the military that take over the land, manufacturers have interest in colonial markets, and bankers are the most important because the money used for loan to build ships and railways. Although it appears that both nations benefitted from imperialism, newspaper articles from both nations about the status of their economy and politics would help to clarify whether this is true.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Self-Reflective Essay Essay Example for Free

Self-Reflective Essay Essay Coming into college I knew writing was my main weakness. It was something in school that no matter how hard I worked at it I just never seemed to get the hang of it. I knew USEM focused on writing, reading, and speaking, so I was very eager to get the opportunity to better my writing skills with a university professional. I feel that over the year my writing skills have vastly improved and I truly am excited to see where I will be in the coming years. With my first assignment analyzing the picture of food I was honestly stuck on where to even begin. It was so difficult for me to find remotely anything to start writing about and I was stuck. I struggled through the short paper and I feel the end product was quite unsatisfactory. When it comes to the diagnostics we do from class to class I feel like I have vastly improved and I am so happy about that. In regards to my speaking skills I feel I posses a very high ability to speak in front of people. I’m a very social person and I don’t have a problem talking in front of people. Ironically, until the age of about 14 I was terrified to talk in front of people at all. I have truly worked on it to work out that fear behind me. Knowing that speaking is one of my strengths, I still look forward to improving my writing skills throughout next term and the remainder of the year. I feel like my participation in the class was quite good. When it came to our impromptu presentations I was always one of the first to go and I was always engaged in everybody else’s presentation. I respect the views of my classmates on all issues. I really enjoy taking my standing on a topic and comparing it to those around me and seeing why they look at it from that angle. I was on time to every class except one day and I was sick. I don’t like missing classes because being behind is one of the worst things in my  opinion. In coming terms I need to improve on getting extra help outside of class. I didn’t utilize office hours as often as I should and I need to work on that. I know that it is very helpful and I need to truly begin to take advantage of that help as I feel like it will give me the push I need to take my education to the next level. That is my biggest goal in coming terms and I feel like if I can accomplish that, I will have no problems with participation in this course. So far I feel like I have been decently successful in college. My ability to turn in assignments and get them in on time has improved greatly from high school and I am so happy about that. I understand that as soon as I am able to reach out to Solly outside of class I should be set on the right track to truly being successful in college and I truly cannot wait to see the progress I make in the coming terms.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ray Bradbury A Biography

Ray Bradbury A Biography Ray Douglas BRADBURY (1920-2012) Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in Waukegan, Illinois. His father, Leonard Spaulding Bradbury, whose distant ancestor Mary Bradbury was among those tried for witchcraft in Salem, was a lineman with the Waukegan Bureau of Power and Light; his mother, Esther Marie (nà ©e Moberg) Bradbury, emigrated as a child from Sweden. When he was three years old, his mother took him to his first film, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1923), and he was frightened and entranced by Lon Chaney in this film and, later, in The Phantom of the Opera (1925). As a child, Bradbury passed through a series of enthusiasms, from monsters to circuses to dinosaurs and eventually to the planet Mars. His development through childhood was aided by an older brother and by an aunt, Neva Bradbury, a costume designer, who introduced him to the theater and to the stories of Edgar Allan Poe. In 1932, Bradburys family moved to Arizona, where they had previously spent some time in the mid-1920s, largely because of his fathers need to find work. In 1934 the family left behind both Arizona and Waukegan, settling in Los Angeles, which became Bradburys permanent home. He attended Los Angeles High School and joined the Science Fiction Society (he had earlier begun reading Hugo Gernsbacks Amazing Stories, which, he said, made him fall in love with the future). After graduation, Bradbury worked for several months in a theater group sponsored by the actor Laraine Day, and for several years he was a newsboy in downtown Los Angeles. He took these jobs to support his writing, an avocation that he hoped would soon become a vocation. Bradburys poor eyesight prevented him from serving in the U.S. Army during World War II, which left him free to launch his writing career. During the early 1940s he began to publish his stories in such pulp magazines as Weird Tales and Amazing Stories, but by the late 1940s his work was appearing in such mass-market magazines as Colliers, The Saturday Evening Post, The New Yorker, Harpers Magazine, and Mademoiselle. Because these magazines paid well, he was able, on September 27, 1947, to marry Marguerite Susan McClure, a former English teacher at the University of California in Los Angeles. During the 1950s, Bradbury continued to write for the pulp and mass-market magazines, and he routinely collected his stories for publication in books. During the mid-1950s, he traveled to Ireland in connection with a screenplay of Moby Dick that he wrote with John Huston. Upon his return to the United States, Bradbury composed a large number of television scripts for such shows as Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Suspense, and The Twilight Zone. During the late 1950s and early 1960s, Bradburys stories and novels focused mostly on his Midwestern childhood-for example, Dandelion Wine and Something Wicked This Way Comes, the latter his favorite book. During the 1960s and 1970s, Bradburys output of fiction decreased, and his ideas found outlets in such forms as plays, poems, and essays. He also became involved in several projects, such as A Journey Through United States History, the exhibit that occupied the upper floor of the United States Pavilion for the New York Worlds Fair in the mid-1960 s. Because of this displays success, the Walt Disney organization hired him to help develop the themes for Spaceship Earth, an important part of Epcot Center at Disney World in Florida. Bradbury also helped design a twenty-first-century city near Tokyo. He continued to diversify his activities during the 1980s and 1990s by collaborative and consultative work, and he also found time to return to his first love, the short story, and to write four novels. He collaborated with Jimmy Webb by composing lyrics for a musical version of Dandelion Wine, which was not successful, though critics praised the Bradbury novel that provided the inspiration for this production. These excursions into other fields were part of his expressed plan to work in every writing medium, but his successes continued to be in the traditional forms of the novel and short story. He published two detective novels, Death Is a Lonely Business and A Graveyard for Lunatics, and a roman à   clef, Green Shadows, White Whale. He also wrote many short stories, some of them in his customary fields of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, but many dealing with extraordinary characters in ordinary life. Components of what might be called dream were available in Ray Bradburys works from the earliest starting point of his written work vacation. His own particular recognition of sci-fi from a dream in writing is that sci-fi could happen. This suggests, obviously, that dream couldnt occur. In any case, in this day and age, where change happens at such fast rate, no one would dare to state overbearingly that any thought is unequipped for that acknowledgment. In this manner, regardless of whether a work of writing is dream turns out to be progressively a matter of the writers aim or a matter quantifiable by target criteria. This is particularly valid for a writer, for example, Bradbury, who by his own affirmation composes both sci-fi and dream. Bradburys own image of imagination evidently came to birth in the realm of the fair. His creative energy was supported with festival symbolism, both through the lessons of his Aunt Neva and his own encounters. At whatever point a voyaging bazaar or festival came through Waukegan in the 1920s and mid-1930s, Bradbury and his more youthful sibling were constantly present pulled in until the last bit of cotton confection was sold. Young Bradbury was influenced profoundly by the scene managed such shows, and the festival got to be for him a kind of intuitive touchstone for an entire arrangement of states of mind and pictures which developed later in his works. Therefore, the tercentenary world can be considered as a clearinghouse for Bradburys creative energy. He places where he goes for his special signs when he is writing a story of disgust, fear-causing, feeling for former times, fantasy, or some mix of the three. It in his easy enough to point to carnival imagery in his horror tales of the 1940s. The opening lines of The Jar (1944), for example, take the reader immediately to a carnival sideshow. Many of his horror tales contain witches, skeletons, dwarfs, magicians, and carnival freaks. Even The Big Black and White Game (1945 ), his first straight tale, emits a breath of fantasy by the use of images throughout the story. In the 1940s Bradbury primed his fantasy sensibilities by creating a family of slightly offbeat witches who are latter-day remnants of what (they claim) was a long and noble line of highly effective magicians. Horror tales were not invited to enable his readers to elude, but rather to cause them to suffer so that they might be cleansed. However, the fantasy stories, on the other hand, sanction the readers spirits to expand rather than to contract, as is the effect in the horror tales. The basement of his effort seems to lie in the engendered mood, and, lost in this mood, the readers can elude to a Secondary World. This facility to engender a Secondary World of fantasy J. R. R. Tolkien calls sub creation and claims it is the most potent and most proximately pristine form of art. The first story of Bradburys in which the element of fantasy most out- weighed that of horror was Jack-in- the- Box (1947). Bradbury clearly demonstrates his ability to fantasize, or sub creates. The author is transporting his readers to a self-contained Secondary World, which he gives the inner consistency of reality, to quote Tolkien again. That is, the author makes his Secondary World, for the time being, the only world there is. Fantasies which would be of this type are works such as Tolkiens Lord of the Rings trilogy, James Stephens Crock of Gold, James Branch Cabells Jurgen, George Macdonalds Lilith and Phantasies, James Thurbers Thirteen Clocks, and of course, many fairy tales, medieval romances, and stories written for children. In this kind of fantasy, the author must convince his readers that what is happening is what is supposed to be happening, even if the laws which prevail are contrary to those which functions in the normal world. Bradbury has written and Tolkien calls them nearly pure fantasies. There are at least two with an Oriental mood and setting, both published in 1953, T he Golden Kite, the Silver Wind and The Flying Machine. Death and the Maiden (1960) are definitely another of these, and Perhaps We Are Going Away (1962) might also be called pure fantasy. Aside from these few, the remainder of Bradburys fantasy pieces can be assisted. Here the Primary World with all of its rules and laws is considered the norm, and the fantasy involves some kind of intrusion by creatures or ideas which ordinarily would be confined to a Secondary World. Most often there are no real intrusion and no green monsters pouring down from the sky but merely a temporary distortion of the physical principles governing our known world or a shift in perspective which allows the reader and/or the characters to view their world through something other than a plain grass. In a rather ingenious statement in 1968 during an interview with Mary Hall, quoted earlier, Bradbury described the nature of his fantasy writing. I wrote a love story recently, he said, with just a little twist on reality. Almost without fail Bradbury cannot resist the use of a little twist to keep his stories from being straightforward narrative accounts of events as they might appear to the average person. Examples of these milder fantasies would be Shoreline at Sunset (1959), Come into My Cellar (1960), Forever Voyage (1960), and A Miracle of Rare Device (1962). But sometimes the little twist becomes much stronger. A hole is torn in the fabric, and something unauthorized gains temporary entry to upset the normal order of things. A classic example would be Charles Williams The Place of the Lion. Bradburys best example and probably the finest work of fantasy he has yet done would be his novel Something Wicked This Way Comes, published in 1962. In this work, the invaders from the Sec ondary World are the autumn people, who function in darkness and are the what Evil is made. By this writing, Bradbury has left behind the summer of nostalgia and has entered the autumn of fantasy. The novel is a good example of the fusion of fantasy, horror, and nostalgia which he manages so well. Nostalgia seems to function best for him in summer, horror, and fantasy in the fall. His Aunt Neva instilled in him an awe of and fascination with autumn. The October Country is the title he chose for an anthology of his early horror tales, many of which are set in the fall, and The Autumn People is the title of another of his anthologies. Bradbury was born in summer, August 22, but close enough to fall so that its evidence could be subtly felt. He has said that, if he had his choice, he would have been born in October.6 The setting for Something Wicked This Way Comes is October, just before Halloween, in the same Green Town, Illinois, which was the background for Dandelion Wine. Two boys, Will Halloway and Jim Nightshade, and Wills father is the chief character. From the eyes of the boys, Bradbury allows his imagination to create a nightmare mood which he sustains throughout the book. Through Mr. Halloway, he expresses his own philosophy. Although the story takes place in the same town which is the setting for the nostalgic Dandelion Wine, and involves two adolescent boys, there the resemblance stops. The mood in the second book is distinctly autumn, even without the actual fact of its being October. There is a conflict here, a threat to be dealt with; for the autumn people who have come to Green Town threaten to engulf it with terror. Mr. Halloway describes them: For these beings, fall is the ever normal season, the only weather, there be no choice beyond. Where do they come from? The dust. Where d o they go? The grave. Does blood stir their veins? No: the night wind. What ticks in their head? The worm. What speaks from their mouth? The toad. What sees from their eye? The snake. What hears with their ear? The abyss between the stars. They sift the human storm for souls, eat the flesh of reason, fill tombs with sinners. They frenzy forth. In gusts, they beetle-scurry, creep, thread, filter, motion, make all moons sullen, and surely cloud all clear- run waters. The spider web hears them, trembles breaks. Such are the autumn people. Beware of them. The autumn people are represented here by a small traveling carnival which comes to town in the middle of Halloween night and sets up its dark tents outside the town. Cooger and Darks Carnival it is, and right away the boys recognize that it is more than it seems on the surface. The hall of mirrors lures people in and shows them reflections of a part of themselves that they once were and can no longer be, so they are plunged into achin g despair. The carousel behaves normally during the day, but at night it runs at supernormal speed, and whoever rides it adds years to his life within minutes or turns from a man into a squalling babe. The Dust Witch travels around in a balloon searching for Good people to destroy, for the aim of the autumn people is to slowly leach out the forces of Good from everyone in the town so that evil can claim its own. Only the two boys and a quiet, scholarly, middle-aged janitor stand in their way. The theme running through the book is that evil is a shadow: good is a reality. Evil cannot subsist except when people let theyre good become not an active form, not a pumping in their veins, but just a recollection, an intention. As Bradbury, has denoted in other stories and articles, he feels that the potential for evil subsists like cancer germs, dormant in all of us, and unless we keep our good in fit condition by actively utilizing it, it will lose its power over all, all person. It is a c onception, a way of doing, a kineticism toward light or dark, a cell between the will to put a cessation to and the will to but for. The more times such selection takes care of toward the Good, the more to do with the man we say that thing is becoming. We must look for ways to have knowledge of and support the Good in ourselves, the will toward the light. The conception of the rejuvenating powers of love is perhaps most resplendently expressed in the story A Medicine for Melancholy (1959). The story is virtually a parable. A puerile girl in eighteenth-century London is gradually evanescing from her concerned parents. No medic is able to diagnose her illness, and determinately in desperation, they take her, bed and all, and put her outside the front door so that the passersby can endeavor their hand at identifying what is erroneous with her. An adolescent Dustman looks into her ocular perceivers and kens what is erroneous she requires love. He suggests that she be left out all night beneath the moon, and during the night he visits her and effects a remedy. In the morning, the roses have returned to her cheeks and she and her family dance in celebration. The same situation occurred in Dandelion Vine when Doug virtually died of pyrexia and was remedied by two bottles of air left in the night by the local junkman. The conception, or moral, if that is a better word, expressed in these two stories seems to be at least implicit in the majority of Bradburys stories from the tardy 1950s until the present. He did not cease to be an edifier when he ceased composed science fiction, but he did place a moratorium upon the more evangelistic kind of moralizing which he was practicing in the tardy 1940s and early 1950s. Now, at last, his own sense of values seems to have become planarly at one with his art.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Ecological Self :: essays research papers

Diversity is a whirlwind of color through a society. There are no two people in the world that are exactly alike. Individuality distinguishes one person or thing from others (Landau, 364 Ed). A person’s environment as a whole: an interaction with others, experiences, and time, makes a collage of traits that distinguishes someone as an individual. David Sibley’s theory of the â€Å"Ecological Self† or Identity is bound by his determents of social, cultural, and spatial context. Sibley believes that class, race, gender, and nation shapes our identity, it is a single concept that is molded by our experiences from the world. I do not agree with this claim because people are individuals, not a development of their surroundings. Identity is not a single concept, there are many factors that shape it, environment cannot just effect identity. Sibley is a British sociologist that has dedicated his life to the studies behind the â€Å"Ecological Self.† Sibley claims that the â€Å"Ecological Self† is not internal, it cannot be separated from the physical. â€Å"The social positioning of the self means that the boundary between self and other is formed through a series of cultural representations of people and things which frequently elide so that the non-human world also provides a context for selfhood (Sibley, 250).† The â€Å"other,† that is being spoken of, is also known as the â€Å"Generalized Other.† This is when we cannot separate from the physical and consider it to be the norm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How do I know who I am? Where do I fit in? Internal and external forces mold our sense of self. Heredity and personal moral are examples of internal forces. Children are often most effected by this. â€Å"The forces of physical inheritance takes place mainly in childhood, though even as adults we have the possibility of dealing in our personal development (Grunewald, 2).† Environment also plays an important role in the formation of self-identity. The surroundings, which can include people, places, and experiences, mold an individual into whom they become. The past shapes our identities, and builds from our experiences. â€Å"It is our memories which help us make the connections, gives us the insights, and provides us with the sense of continuity, which is so important for our personal identity († â€Å"When we go through times of crisis, massive changes, serious illness, deep conflicts or stress, our sense of sel f can be seriously challenged, particularly if we have not faced such experiences before. Ecological Self :: essays research papers Diversity is a whirlwind of color through a society. There are no two people in the world that are exactly alike. Individuality distinguishes one person or thing from others (Landau, 364 Ed). A person’s environment as a whole: an interaction with others, experiences, and time, makes a collage of traits that distinguishes someone as an individual. David Sibley’s theory of the â€Å"Ecological Self† or Identity is bound by his determents of social, cultural, and spatial context. Sibley believes that class, race, gender, and nation shapes our identity, it is a single concept that is molded by our experiences from the world. I do not agree with this claim because people are individuals, not a development of their surroundings. Identity is not a single concept, there are many factors that shape it, environment cannot just effect identity. Sibley is a British sociologist that has dedicated his life to the studies behind the â€Å"Ecological Self.† Sibley claims that the â€Å"Ecological Self† is not internal, it cannot be separated from the physical. â€Å"The social positioning of the self means that the boundary between self and other is formed through a series of cultural representations of people and things which frequently elide so that the non-human world also provides a context for selfhood (Sibley, 250).† The â€Å"other,† that is being spoken of, is also known as the â€Å"Generalized Other.† This is when we cannot separate from the physical and consider it to be the norm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How do I know who I am? Where do I fit in? Internal and external forces mold our sense of self. Heredity and personal moral are examples of internal forces. Children are often most effected by this. â€Å"The forces of physical inheritance takes place mainly in childhood, though even as adults we have the possibility of dealing in our personal development (Grunewald, 2).† Environment also plays an important role in the formation of self-identity. The surroundings, which can include people, places, and experiences, mold an individual into whom they become. The past shapes our identities, and builds from our experiences. â€Å"It is our memories which help us make the connections, gives us the insights, and provides us with the sense of continuity, which is so important for our personal identity († â€Å"When we go through times of crisis, massive changes, serious illness, deep conflicts or stress, our sense of sel f can be seriously challenged, particularly if we have not faced such experiences before.

Law and its system :: essays research papers

1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The importance of a contract law to the private market system is vital for our private enterprise economy. It helps make buyers and sellers willing to do business together. Contract laws allows private agreements to be legally enforceable. Contract laws provides enormous flexibility and precision in business dealings. It provides flexibility in that you can agree to literally anything that is not illegal or against public policy. It gives precision in that with careful thinking you can make another agree to exactly the requirements that accomplish even a very complex business purpose. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Common law of contracts is understood to have many types of contracts. Another source is legislation. Various states have enacted the common law as a part of the state statues. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The UCC is the Uniform Commercial Code which is a state-based legislation. This covers the sale of goods. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   a.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The following phrases are important to the understanding of contract law because a bilateral contract is an agreement containing mutual promises. A bilateral agreement is whenever there is doubt about the form. The party making the promise can control the application of many concepts of contract law by understanding the distinction between bilateral and unilateral contracts. Unilateral contract is an agreement with only one promise. The maker of such a promise seeks an action rather than a promise in return. b.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When many contracts arise from discussions in which parties actually discuss the promised terms of their agreement are called express contracts. Implied-in-facts arise from the conduct of the parties rather than from words.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   c.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Implied-in-law contracts is when one party unjustly enriched at the expense of another, the law may imply a duty on the first party to pay the second even though there is no contract between the two parties.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Performance Including Education :: Drama

This task was to include education in a performance to be shown to primary school children. This performance needed to reflect on issues understood by children of this age and to be clear and straight forward while explaining the message. Three weeks ago we were set an assignment to last until now. This task was to include education in a performance to be shown to primary school children. This performance needed to reflect on issues understood by children of this age and to be clear and straight forward while explaining the message. My first reaction when I heard of this task was one of excitement and anxiety. I knew this assignment would be challenging which made me very eager to start as soon as possible. However I was worried as I knew that all ideas would have to be adapted for the age group and that there would be censorship issues. There were many ideas put in to a discussion on the first day of the task. Within our group these were our main ideas-Abuse, drugs, smoking, trust issues & bullying. However we knew most of these ideas were not compatible for the age group of the audience so we narrowed it down to three main ideas-smoking, trust issues & bullying. We knew that whatever idea we used we would have to make it humorous to allow the children to enjoy themselves. We also had some ideas on how to portray these ideas allowing the audience to understand and enjoy the humour. These ideas were- Men In Black(spoof), Batman(spoof) & Spider pants (original character made from typical superhero names and character). During the rehearsals we went through the different ideas and at first we decided to act out bullying through peer pressure however when we performed this to the group we found that it was very boring which was not what we were aiming for. So we then changed to trust issues using spider pants (we could not use men in black as we found out it had already been done previously we also could not do batman due to the costumes and props needed to make it realistic),However we were unable to carry out our idea of spider pants due to the unfortunate absents by myself and another person in the group & so when we performed this it did not come out right. We then eventually changed to a play about kidnappers. This entailed the theme of trust issues and was comical. It was not only the ideas that would not work though, we soon found that some members of our group were not prepared to work to the extent

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Policies and procedures for communicating information Essay

Review of systems, policies and procedures for communicating information on health and social care workplace in accordance with legislative requirements. Health and safety laws never used to be in existence. It was the appointment of the first set of factory inspectors, initiated by the Provisions of the Factories Act of 1833, that brought about the foundations of health and safety. In recent times, a great leap was made when the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 was initiated. This was described as â€Å"a bold and far-reaching piece of legislation† by HSE’s first Director General, John Locke. This became the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in Great Britain. The health and safety Act of 1974 has led to initiation of several other Acts which includes the followings below 1.Health and safety (First Aid) Regulation 1981 2.Food Safety Act 1990 replaced by the food safety act of 1995 3.Management of health and safety regulation 1992 4.Manual handling operation regulation 1992 5.The Notification of Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1980 (NADOR), replaced by the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulation 1995 (RIDDOR). 6.The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) 2002 Act This is just to mention a few. In 1977/78, the Health and safety annual report stipulated that there are overriding concerns to stimulate awareness of the risks and encourage the joint participation of workers and management in efforts to eliminate them. Hence, making communication of health and safety issues paramount in the work place. Basically, there are three approved modes of communication of health and safety and these are: 1.Verbal 2.Written 3.Graphics

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Pda Medication Reflective Account Essay

As a requirement of my role as Support Worker for Options Of Inde savedence. I essential concentrate my value substance ab wasting diseasers with administering medical specialty, in order for me to administer medicinal drug safely downstairs the Royal pharmaceutic Society guidelines, discourse Of Medication in cordial trouble 2007, and downstairs Dundee City Council guidelines, I moldiness obstruction that the medicines ar correct by checking the music transmit and chase on the box must(prenominal) be by the pill roller or dispensing gp, and identify the work substance abuser correctly. I need to shaft what the medicine is for and neck if at that place is on the whole precautions if medicine has to be topicn with or after food or with water. I actualizeed serve user M, who requires to be prompted to open b disceptati cardinalr ringing and take her medication. I slam function user M as I on a steadfast basis visit emolument user M and I am thither key prole. This is at a number 1er place Scottish Social Services Council, codes of coiffe ,1.1 1.4 1.5 3.6 4.3 6.1. in the sssc book. As I know dish out user M and I am there keyworker I know assistant user M very(prenominal) well.I read over her support plan and check medication and bollocks up sheet, I check her medicines from reading the diligent information leaflet, check for whatsoever ominous re carry throughs and grimace affects and whatever contra indications, a side affect is unwanted affect on the consistence, adverse reaction is an acute or server reaction that stern be life threatening. This is infra the cargon of standards. perspective Affects, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, rash, weight gain and loss unbecoming Reactions, severe rash, breathless, stomach pains, severe diarrhea, swelling, body temperature I put up to abide by to a lower place the Medicines Act 1968, and under The Royal Pharmaceutical Society guidelines and the Handling Of Medicines act 2007. This is under my responsibilitys as support worker and under the national divvy up standards under support values that I am self-as convinced(predicate)d approximately healthcargon needs and to practise sure service user takes medication safely and in the best carriage that suits the service user.Read more pass on Medication to Individuals and Monitor the EffectsIf I was administering medication i.e an injection I would admiration service users dignity and privacy and cost there personal plan. This surveys with medicines act 1968 and the purple pharmaceutical society guidelines. similarly the discourse of medicines act 2007. I went into service user M box where her blister pack and care plan are in advance i check any subject i rinse and modifyed my hand and applyed my ppe, gloves and apron i and so went and washed the medi cup and dryed it. I accordingly canvas care plan and blemish sheet and check over the blister pack and patient informa tion sheet i then used a daddy technqiue todispence the blister pack i similarly offered service user M folderol of water which service user M prefers to take with medication this is stated in care plan i checked care plan and medication in blister pack to invent sure that its correct as mistakes can be made with medication errors wrong labeling check name visualise next i would check for the correct route and clock time .If I was usure about anything I would clutch the pharmacist. I then debasek the foul up sheet using black pen in the appropriate boxes correct date and time. I fake sure I obsserve service user M winning her medication and that it has been interpreted before I would pervertk mar sheet. When doing this I would visualize out for any side affects or adverse reactions if I did see any I would take further action and seek medical advice immedicatley and record my conclusion in mar sheet and occasional n peerlesss and contact team leader. when marking mar sheet make sure my intials are clear and correct and all information is logged in daily nones and mar sheet. I make sure I retch blister pack back in box where its kept and the care plan. as this is where store is agreed to be kept. this is under the data tribute act 1989 and with rules of codes of utilize policy and prodcures.If I discovered that service user M had unwanted medication in box I would assemble out a medication brass form noting what dosage and medication it is and how much, I would get the service users signature and harvest-time to the pharmacy and get them to sign there name as well. this form would be kept beside mar sheet this is under current policys and procedures, in doing this I contract followed the legal pay offs. Right person, right hand drug, right doze, right route, ruight time, right documentation, right action, right response. this does not guarantee that medication errors wil not happen unless will consider safety and quality of care. in that location are a lot of laws and legislations to adhere when relations with medication. the medicines act 1968. this regulates the supply and manufacture of medicines, prescription(prenominal) only drugs, are avavible only from the pharmacist if its confirming by a situate Pharmacy medicines only avaible from the pharmacist but without a prescription. and general sales list which can be bought from any computer memory without prescription.The human requlations act 2012 this is for labelling of medicines you must discombobulate a label on any medcines including creams etc. the date of opening it and dying date. The missue of drugs act 1973, this is how contolled drugs are stored. in residential they should be stores in a locked serious arena, must be double locked console table and in like manner secured to awall. and to be checked evey 7 days. If its in a service users home they must agree where there to be stored where its accessible to the service user and the staff supporting service user, and must be recored in there care plan. must be suitable storage i.e locked in cabinet or a drawer. in a cool dry palce, some medicines might be stored in a fridege. Regulations of care Scotland act 2001, this was baffle up by Scottish missionary work and is to regulation of care and the Scottish social services. which makes up your codes of cause.Scottish services council codes of practice makes sure that every care worker has a duty of care and has to comply with policys and procedures of codes of practice. Infection Prevention and Control comply with Control Of Substances Hazard to Health regulations, to check transmission system and germs, making sure service user is in agreement with how they would standardized to be supported with there medication and disposing of clinical waste. making sure my hands are washed and dryed before handling medication, before and after. not touching medication or waste directly,wear appropriate ppe gloves and aprons . when applying creams or patches washing and drying hands after removing ppe. Applying local creams, as this can be enwrapped threw your skin using gloves is for your own protection or you could absorb the medication to your skin. if you begettert follow these procedures medication can be compromised and they are open to infection from the staff member.Communication is an important thing when administering mediation, is vital to avoid errors and mistakes. must be extend to members of the care team service user and there represntatives prescriber and the pharmacist one example would be identifying the person communicative verification of the right person is one method of correct indentfiation but it should not be the only methosd used. please speciate me your full name is a correct wat to confirm a person individuality the name be verified on the mar sheet and the medication label . Diabetes both type 1 and 2 are often controlled by insulin regular blood glucose montiering he lps you to know if there is a need to inform the person adinstering the insulin to change them to make adjustmets to the insulin dose as with all blood glucose lowering treatmets the tasrget range for pricey blood glucose is between 4mmol/8mmols. unplanned exploit lack of food delay in taking food and injections into the same area persistently may lead to low blood sugars. if the service user experiences hypos they should contend this with their gp or nurse so treatment can be reassessed.There isnot much information about cultural requiremnts and medication managementsome relgions include temperance and some people prefer not to charter mecicnes given over at genuine times.some people would prefer to be given medicines by the same sex. there are also vegetarions that would prefer not to use certain medicnes if they ontain animal products. When administering medication to service user I would sate to the service user what the edication is for and why. i.e if the service user had a U.T.I ( urinary track infection),you would then hand to service user that this is your antibiotic for pissing infection, if the service user says I outweart wear that, as service user can be disturbed due to having a urine infection.I would check service users care plan, make sure correct medication and prescribed for the right reason if not sure I would seek medical advice. also insure that the service user has taken there medication by checking that they have swallowed and asking service user if they have taken there medciation, and I would confine with the service user and observe. check mar sheet if in any doubt, also remember that my role and responsiblty to the service user even after adminstering medication does not finish after I have administered the right medication check make sure no side affects or adverse reactions to the medication..